Technotools (Chestnut CD-ROM)(1993).ISO
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msqc25t1.doc By Tom Harrold Sept. 30, 1990
Microsoft Quick C version 2.51 Tools, file number 1.
This is a collection of C source files put into a zip archive. These C sources
covers video, disk, and keyboard access as tools to make other programs.
There are 92 files including this DOC file. All of the files listed have been
tested. I included compiled programs for people who don't have a C compiler
and wish to use some of the utility programs.
All ".mak" files are for the Microsoft Quick C V2.51 compiler. Compiled in
small and large models. There are comments that will tell you to compile to
the correct model size. Set your compiler accordinly. When you load the file
in the Quick C enviroment. Quick C will ask, "do you want to use the make
file", say yes! This will set up the model size and the program list for
the needed, header files and object code for the current program.
Note: Not all as list below will need a make file. If there is no comments
showing how to compile the program. You should assume to compile in small
model and the stack size of 2K.
APPMENU C 4305 09-29-90 4:44p C source to compile a menu program
APPMENU EXE 33881 09-29-90 4:45p Compiled program, ready for you.
APPMENU MAK 841 09-29-90 4:23p Make file for APPMENU program
AVLDRVS C 899 09-03-90 9:08p Lists availible drives on the crt.
MSQC25T1 DOC 0 09-30-90 4:23p This file that you are reading now.
BIOSAREA H 3171 09-23-90 8:57a Header file, a few programs will useit
BOOTSEC H 1106 09-03-90 7:10p Header file, a few programs will useit
CAT C 817 09-08-90 10:30a UNIX like file concatenation C source
CAT EXE 15118 09-08-90 11:51a Compiled of the above
CAT1 C 561 09-08-90 9:21a Same as above but limited
CAT1 EXE 11216 09-08-90 9:24a " " " " "
CAT1 MAK 738 09-08-90 10:28a " " " " "
CELL H 2961 03-05-89 8:23a Header file, a few programs will useit
CENTERED C 575 09-29-90 10:19a Demo of center text in a window
CENTERED MAK 846 09-29-90 1:02p Make file for the above
CFLOWX H 2688 06-24-85 9:57a Header file, a few programs will useit
CHILD C 683 09-05-90 10:03a EXEC calls this program as child proc.
CHILD EXE 19354 09-05-90 10:04a Compiled and ready for you.
CMDLNARG C 631 02-04-90 11:55a Feebe: Command line argument C source
DOSSHELL C 4682 09-30-90 10:50a Dos shell program - not really good
DOSSHELL EXE 39255 09-30-90 10:50a Compiled demo - most functs. don't work
DOSSHELL MAK 846 09-30-90 10:38a Make file for the above.
DRIVES C 1016 09-03-90 8:15p Display drive info
DSKBYTES C 755 09-04-90 5:15p Tells how much unused bytes on drive
EXEC C 1496 09-04-90 9:48p Main program, calls CHILD program above
EXEC EXE 51548 08-31-90 9:32p Run this as demo.
FDPARM C 2030 09-03-90 7:47p Displays floppy disk parameters
FDPARM EXE 22060 09-09-90 5:42p Demo for the above.
FILEMISC C 3061 09-06-90 1:04p Compiles object code as LIB C functs.
FILEMISC H 1073 09-05-90 11:19p Header file, a few programs will useit
HARDWARE C 3195 09-26-90 7:49p Tells what equipment you have on sys
HARDWARE EXE 27149 09-26-90 8:00p Use as utility - see above.
HEX2CRT C 4248 08-24-90 5:56p Displays a file in Hexadecimal on crt
HEX2CRT EXE 28734 08-24-90 5:56p Use as utility- it also makes a file
HEXCAL C 1291 02-24-90 9:36a Hexadecimal calculator program
HEXCAL EXE 17329 08-23-90 2:28p Use as utility- adds&sub&cnvt to dec
HILITE C 1122 09-29-90 10:33a Demo highlighting of text in window
HILITE MAK 836 09-29-90 1:05p Make file for the above.
KEYS C 2892 09-29-90 3:19p Displays most keyboard keys by name
KEYS EXE 30861 09-29-90 3:15p Demo of the above.
KEYS MAK 776 09-29-90 3:12p Make file for the above.
LS C 651 09-06-90 11:20a UNIX like list file program
LS EXE 23641 09-06-90 2:15p Use as utility
LS MAK 778 09-06-90 2:14p Make file for the above.
LSTCFL C 565 12-05-88 9:12p List C source files from current dir
LSTSDIR C 3055 09-07-90 7:12p Lists all directories on a drive.
LSTSDIR EXE 7293 09-07-90 7:13p Use as utility
MK_FP H 152 09-23-90 9:02a Header file, a few programs will useit
POPUP C 3352 09-29-90 12:33p Pop-up menus program
POPUP H 1296 09-27-90 9:59p Header file, a few programs will useit
PRINTERO C 924 09-15-90 3:03p Printer output program
PULLDOWN C 4941 09-29-90 1:39p Pulldown menu program
PULLDOWN EXE 33747 09-29-90 1:40p Demo for the above.
PULLDOWN MAK 846 09-29-90 1:08p Make file for the above.
QUICKPOP C 919 09-29-90 6:12a Pop-up windows demo program
QUICKPOP EXE 32177 09-29-90 12:55p Demo for the above.
QUICKPOP MAK 846 09-29-90 12:54p Make file for the above program
SAVEREST C 1252 09-25-90 10:36p Save and restore screen image program
SAVEREST MAK 796 09-26-90 8:45p Make file for the above.
SCRNIO C 2076 09-27-90 9:01p Screen text manipulating management pgm
SPAWN C 1620 08-31-90 9:16p Demo calling CHILD pgm, same as EXEC
SPAWN EXE 48019 08-31-90 9:16p Demo- it calls CHILD.exe
SUB C 7455 09-10-90 9:41p Directory list pgm - better than DIR
SUB EXE 23860 09-10-90 9:41p Utility-Sho mem used of all files in dir
SUB MAK 756 09-10-90 8:11p Make file for the above.
SUB1 C 7020 09-08-90 12:16a Same as above
SUB1 MAK 781 09-07-90 10:27p dito
SWAPSCRN C 1598 09-26-90 8:57p Demo- exchanges screen images
SYSINFO C 2815 09-08-90 6:08p Tell you what you have on your system
TBOX C 1344 09-27-90 9:39p Makes a box around your text window
TBOX EXE 29263 09-27-90 9:39p Demo for the above
TBOX MAK 776 09-27-90 9:36p Make file for the above
TEXTSCR1 H 540 09-23-90 5:40p Header file, a few programs will useit
TEXTSCR2 H 1631 09-23-90 4:48p Header file, a few programs will useit
TEXTSCRN C 9311 09-26-90 8:47p Makes object code as LIB functions
TEXTSCRN H 540 09-23-90 5:40p Header file, a few programs will useit
TOOLBOX1 C 868 09-06-90 2:08p Makes object code as LIB functions
TOOLBOX1 H 297 09-06-90 1:55p Header file, a few programs will useit
TOOLBOX1 MAK 801 09-06-90 2:11p Make file for the above 2
TOOLTEST C 585 09-06-90 1:48p Test out the tool box functions
TWOWINS C 1049 09-29-90 12:59p Demos two windows on the screen
TWOWINS MAK 841 09-29-90 12:58p Make file for the above.
VIDEO C 3257 09-30-90 1:00p A video configuration info program
VIDEO EXE 20974 09-30-90 1:02p Used as utility- See if you have EGA
WHERE C 3168 09-06-90 10:21p UNIX like whereis file locator pgm
WHERE EXE 13168 09-06-90 10:21p Use as utility. Finds where file on drv
WINDEMO C 2540 09-23-90 6:11p Window demo program
WINDEMO EXE 34680 09-27-90 8:56p Demo for the above program
WINDEMO MAK 791 09-26-90 8:50p Make file for the above demo program
Total of 92 Files
Sure! I will accept any thing for payment on the labor of typing these program
and testing them but, you got to find me first!
Enjoy the programs...